
Showing posts from June, 2012

An Overdue Update

So, by the name change in the title, its not hard to figure out- God finally blessed us with a baby! And not one through adoption. Our very own child through birth, just as our hearts had always desired. I am currently 21 weeks 1 day. We find out the gender of baby on Tuesday. Since there is a lot to say, I'll start with where I left up and work up until now. I know I neglected this blog when we hit our first stand still. Truth be told, there wasn't much to write about. And it was almost to painful. We never were allowed to pick back up even after two years. We actually found out that our file was closed a few weeks before christmas in 2011. They way it was handled was really cold hearted. Coming from a christian company, you would have thought it would have been handled better. All we got was a two line letter saying our file was closed. Not a phone call, not a meeting, not even an email...a two line letter. After we recieved that letter, we were devestated. We were pissed...