Jeremiah is here!

So I really suck at updating this thing! As the post says, Jeremiah is here! But let me back track a bit! Our pregnancy was really a breeze! We always said that we knew God gave us the pregnancy because of how easy things went. I never had morning sickness, my blood and urine numbers were always great, I only gained 6 pounds, and never had any of the things that they test you for. Last time I updated, we didn't even know that Jeremiah was a boy. I had a gut feeling that he was a boy, but Matt was holding out for a girl. On June 26th, we got to have the gender scan. My favorite thing about pregnancy was getting to have ultrasounds! The tech took her time taking measurements and showing us all the parts...4 chamber heart, hands, feet, head, tummy, etc, etc. Then when I thought she was down by his legs, I said "so, is that a boy?" She asked if we really wanted to know and I immediately said "YES!" So she found the parts, turned the screen and asked what it was...