
Showing posts from January, 2013

3 Months!!

Today is Jeremiah's 3 month birthday! Here is a picture from today, the outfit next to him, he used to swim in when he was born! He sure grew fast! In the past few weeks, Jeremiah gave mommy his very first belly laugh! It was so adorable! Of course when I try to get him to laugh for Matt or catch it on video, he won't do it! We also took Jeremiah to his very first basketball game. It was his 3rd cousin Daniel's middle school game! Jeremiah wasn't a big fan of all the noise but settled down once he got back in mommy's arms and promptly fell asleep. He then woke to eat and his favorite 2nd cousin Sabrina fed him!  He is more alert during the day, usually going between 2-3 hours between naps. At night, he has started sleeping about 5 hours for the first stretch and then 4 hours the second stretch. We could almost set our watches to his feeding schedule...every 4 hours on the dot!  He has yet to roll over but tries really hard to sit up. When he is awake, he p...

Life Is Busy!

Life is so busy these days! I started carrying for another baby, he is almost 5 months old! The little guy is such a sweetie and I do enjoy getting to spend my days with two adorable little boys! I really can't wait for this summer when I can take them outside and go on walks, go to the park, etc! Jeremiah- He is now 10 weeks old! I know I say this every blog, but man, time needs to slow down! Before we know it, he'll be graduating high school hehe! Jeremiah is such a happy boy! Unless he is tired, hungry or has a dirty diaper, he is all smiles and giggles. He just loves it when daddy comes home from work! Matt will spend some time with him if he's awake. Jeremiah just smiles, coos, and giggles! It warms my heart to see the two of them together! Matt will make all sorts of silly noises just to get a giggle out of Jeremiah. And the way Matt's voice sounds when Jeremiah smiles/giggles at him is just amazing! Parenthood is definitely the toughest job that I've ever l...