8 years!

It's so hard to believe that Matt and I have now been married for 8 years, been engaged for 9 years and been dating for 10 years! Wow!! We have had our ups, downs and all arounds! We started out living 475 miles apart. We met online as teenagers on a christian chat room, never knowing God was shaping our future right then and there! We kept in contact even when that chat room disappeared, when we both dated different people, and while I went through a horrible relationship that resulted in a broken engagement. Shortly after breaking off the engagement, Matt and I started talking more and more. And well, on June 17th 2004, he asked me to be his girlfriend and drove to madison in july to meet me face to face for the first time. We spent the first 11 months of our relationship traveling back and forth...mostly me flying one weekend a month since my job was a little more flexible. In May of 2005, Matt got in with shopko in madison and was able to move here. May 16th, 2005 he aske...