
Showing posts from 2017

All about Elliana

So looking down the blog, it would seem as if we only have one child lol! We do have two and this post will be all about our 2nd born, little Miss Elliana! Elliana is almost 2.5 years old. She has the most amazing smile, giggle, and bright blue eyes! Her infancy was a complete breeze! I was able to pump for her for 9.5 months, and then we had to make the switch to formula. Keeping up with an energetic toddler and a baby on the move, just was not working while connected to a pump for 20 minutes every 3 hours and only getting a few ounces each time. I was pretty damn proud of myself for being able to feed her for so long! She loved to be much so she was about 7 months before she was finally able to sleep without being swaddled! Unlike her brother, she didn't need to be sleep trained either! Right off the bat she was sleeping 4-6 hours at night. Then she would also put herself to sleep. We'd lay her in her crib, turn music on and she'd be out in a few minutes...

Our son in heaven, Noah Nicholas

As the title states, we once again lost another sweet baby. December of 2016 we decided to start trying for our third and last baby. On March 26th, I decided to test and it came out positive. We were shocked that once again, it happened so quickly for us. If you've followed our journey, it took us 4.5 years to get pregnant with Jeremiah. We quickly became excited, dreaming of what this little baby would be. Once again, my gut told me this baby was a boy. We spent days spewing off different names, wondering how Elliana would take to becoming a big sister, how Jeremiah would do with another baby in the house, etc, etc. And then our world started to crumble. On April 6th, I started spotting. We spent the entire month of april holding our breaths. I would spot and then it would stop for a day or two, and then start back up again. I'd have my blood levels tests every other to every third day. At first they were rising normally and we thought we were in the clear. Then my progestero...

To my baby boy on the night before his first day of 4k.

My sweet boy, The time has come. The time has come for me to watch you spread your wings, and fly. It is time for you to start school away from home. My heart...oh my is so worried, so very excited, and so very anxious for this. I write this, and the tears start to flow. We met your teachers tonight, they both seem very sweet. You were scared. You wouldn't walk into the building. You had to be coaxed and carried in by grandma. You were nervous. You stood by me, half of your body behind me. We put your backpack in your cubby, school supplies in the bin, and we stood. Both of us nervous, but trying not to show it. After a couple minutes, I took you by the hand, and walked you around the classroom. We talked to Ms.Amber a few times. After a half hour, you started to warm up. You played with some blocks, and pretended to blow over a tower. By the end, you didn't want to leave. And so tonight, I listen to you make cookies with Ellie and Dadda. I listen to your sweet v...