
Showing posts from December, 2012

First Christmas and 2 months Old!

Jeremiah celebrated his first christmas! This has always been a dream of mine. To have a young infant during my favorite holidays- Thanksgiving and Christmas- and God has made them come true! We started out by going to church on Christmas Eve- he was Ooo'd and Ahh'd over just like every time we go to church. He slept through the whole service! You know, having a baby, especially a boy, brought a whole new meaning to me this year. I always marvel at the birth of Jesus, but this year my thoughts were on Mary. Knowing what I went through, am going through and have yet to go through, I wonder if Mary felt those same things. I wonder if she cried when she heard him cry for the first time, if her heart burst open at his first smile, if she cried happy tears while giggling with him. All the wonder of a baby boy- did she experience too? And also did she know what he would have to go through, or did God protect her heart for the time being. So many questions! After church we w...


I posted this video a couple weeks ago on facebook. We sang this song one day at church and ever since then I can't get it out of my head. Something that I didn't share with many, I had the baby blues pretty bad with Jeremiah. It didn't turn into  postpartum depression but it got close. I was worried about EVERTHING. I couldn't watch a sad movie cause I would cry. We tried to watch a movie where some teens got in an accident and we had to turn it off because I cried and couldn't bear the thought of something like that happening to Jeremiah. I would just sit and cry for no reason at all. I drew closer to God during this time. I would play worship music, sing it in the shower, worship in my thoughts and just feel God holding me. And then there was one early sunday morning. It was the morning that I had been up with Jeremiah and was reading through all of our old posts, and every thought, feeling and emotion came flooding back. I almost didn't want to go to ch...

A Heavy Heart

This time of year should be filled with joy, laughter and smiles. But instead, I have a very heavy heart. All my life, I dreamed of having a young baby for christmas time. God granted me that wish, and while I am overwhelmed with love for Jeremiah, my heart is heavy. Yes, the recent shootings have affected me and I can't stop thinking of all those children and families. However, I am missing a sweet blonde-haired, blue eyed little girl named Brookelynne so very much right now. Brookelynne was the light of my life for 2 very short years. I loved her like my own. I always think of her, but now, I keep thinking about what she would be like and how much she would have loved Jeremiah. I picture her holding him, laughing at him, and just being a sweet pre-teen. So while I sit beneath the christmas tree holding Jeremiah, tears fill my eyes. I just remember doing the same with her when she was a wee little baby. I also imagine her spending christmas in the best place of heaven w...

6 Weeks!

I can't believe that Jeremiah is 6 weeks old! It seems just like yesterday that I was watching him squirm in my tummy, dreaming about what he would look like, and now he's here! Jeremiah is getting so big, so fast, and seems to be changing a bit everyday! In the past week, Jeremiah has been flashing us his most adorable smile! I never have a camera on me but someday soon I will catch that smile on film! He also has been awake for longer periods during the day. When he is awake, he usually doesn't like to be held for long. He'd rather lay on his back and kick, kick, kick away! His eyes are changing to a dark gray! He holds his head up quite well while being held and also while doing tummy time- which he can't stand for more than a few moments. Jeremiah has been eating 5 ounces every 3-4 hours, while going longer periods at night. Last night (monday, december 10th), he slept for 7 hours straight...yep, from 1am till 8am!! As for me (mom), I had my 6 week check up ...

Newborn Pictures!

We got Jeremiah's newborn pictures back this week! Our friend, Tory (blue shoe photography) did an amazing job! His pictures were taken when he was 6 days old. Tory was so patient with us. I was still healing and pretty sore from the c-section and Jeremiah was on his own agenda. We had to stop to change him, feed him and put him back to sleep a few times.'s some of my favorites!  This was his first real smile and it warms my heart everytime I see it!

Rough Nights

(Please don't think I'm a horrible mommy...Jeremiah was sleeping when this was taken and made the face with the flash) So it almost seems that Jeremiah does not like to travel, even if he stays on his eating schedule. Just about every time we go somewhere for the day, we are in for a long night. Our worst one was him screaming from 6pm-1am and nothing calmed him down. Last night was just about the same. He went to grandma's while Matt and I went to a movie. We all got home that evening..I really don't remember what time...around 9 I think. Matt and I decided to head to bed even though I knew he'd be up soon. Sure enough, just as I dozed off, he was up. He got changed and fed and then the games began. He didn't fall asleep for the night until 1am. That was after crying, sleeping, crying, sleeping, eating 2 ounces, crying and sleeping. On the bright side, he is one adorable little boy. He is lifting his head up so high, growing way too fast. He has star...