I posted this video a couple weeks ago on facebook. We sang this song one day at church and ever since then I can't get it out of my head.
Something that I didn't share with many, I had the baby blues pretty bad with Jeremiah. It didn't turn into postpartum depression but it got close. I was worried about EVERTHING. I couldn't watch a sad movie cause I would cry. We tried to watch a movie where some teens got in an accident and we had to turn it off because I cried and couldn't bear the thought of something like that happening to Jeremiah. I would just sit and cry for no reason at all. I drew closer to God during this time. I would play worship music, sing it in the shower, worship in my thoughts and just feel God holding me.
And then there was one early sunday morning.
It was the morning that I had been up with Jeremiah and was reading through all of our old posts, and every thought, feeling and emotion came flooding back. I almost didn't want to go to church because I knew I would loose it during worship, and we sang this song. When we got to the chorus "never once did we ever walk alone, never once did you leave us on our own, God you are faithful" I couldn't help but squeeze Jeremiah tight and let the tears flow. I fully believe God heals us when we let our guards down during worship. It was like he was speaking right to me. That even when I didn't feel him, when I was mad at him and didn't understand his plan, he was with us. And he will always be with us, through the good and the bad. God, you are faithful!
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