
Showing posts from January, 2016

Jeremiah turned 3!

October 29th 2015 and my first baby turned three years old!! Every day I look at him and wonder where the time is going!! For his birthday, we took him to lunch at The Jet Room in Madison. The boy loves anything automotive, so we knew this would be right up his alley! We got seated at a table right by the window, which was perfect for watching the planes come and go! He got mickey mouse pancakes and actually ate them LOL!! After eating, Elliana was getting tired and needing a bottle so we went to my mom's house for a bit. We knew Matt's dad and Chris would be arriving soon. I wanted to take Jeremiah to the children's museum. My mom and I took Jeremiah, while Matt and Elliana stayed behind. Literally right as we left, grandpa and grandma peterson arrived. We let them rest and spend time with Matt while we played at the children's museum. Jeremiah had fun playing with the train table, painting and driving a big car. We didn't stay too long, especially since we wante...

April 8th, 2015

This is taken from how I wrote it to a group of women I'm a part of online. We all met on a forum, and all had babies in April! So the morning of April 8th, we arrived at the hospital at 5am. We were shown to our room and I was hooked up to the heartbeat and contraction monitors. It was nice to sit and listen to our baby's heartbeat for the last 3 hours of her being in me, I was also enjoying feeling her kick and move about. Nurses were in and out throughout the morning. Around 7am, we met with the anesthesiologist. I was hoping to has the same one that I had with Jeremiah but it was a different one. She had her list of questions to ask me. One of them was along the lines of do you get out of breath with minimal physical activity. When I told her no, she just stared at me. This was the first time I have ever run into a doctor from our hospital that was judging me from my size. When I said no, she asked "you can climb 2 flights of stairs without being out of breath?"...

Elliana's pregnancy

I can't believe it's been almost a year since I last updated this's pretty crazy with two kids!! So last February we found out we were having a little girl! We were so super excited! Ever since I was a teen, I had always said that if I had it my way, I'd have a boy first and then a girl. God granted my wish! Elliana's pregnancy was pretty rough on me! I was exhausted, had all day nausea until 14 weeks along, we had a heart scare, and placenta previa which corrected itself! Then they were also worried that her legs were measuring too short. I kept saying that I wasn't worried because I have short legs, and so does Jeremiah. But we had to have a couple extra ultrasounds to measure her growth and she was just fine! Then I had horrible pubic symphysis disorder. I had it with Jeremiah, but it started almost right away with Elliana. To make matters worse, when I was 6 months along, I was walking into my doctors appointment. My doctors office is in the h...