A little bit from Matt
First I just want to say a huge thank you to all our friends and family for being so supportive and understanding. I guess you tend to think the worst when you aren't sure what to expect but you all have been awesome.
It's been really hard the last couple years, every time Christel thought she may be pregnant we'd get excited and hold our breath only to be disappointed. Whether we realized it or not at the time, it has been a test of our faith in God and our marriage, but if any thing it has made our marriage stronger and our faith in God has held firm as well. Still, I have spent a lot of time asking God, why? Not sure I can say I ever really got an awnser yet but He seems to have opened a door with adoption, especially since it's a Christian adoption agency that we will be working with.
I'm super excited about adopting and scared at the same time. For a while part of me was afraid that maybe I would have trouble thinking of this baby as my own. Last night as I was sitting thinking about this God kind of tapped me on the shoulder. I felt Him saying, "This child, whether it be yours biologically, or adopted is a gift from me either way, so why should it matter?" That was huge for me and I'm not worried about it any more because I know either way God will have chosen me to raise this child.
Well that's all from me for now. Just wanted to share a bit from my point of view and to show my wife that I really would post on here too! lol Love you hun! And thanks for setting this up by the way :)
It's been really hard the last couple years, every time Christel thought she may be pregnant we'd get excited and hold our breath only to be disappointed. Whether we realized it or not at the time, it has been a test of our faith in God and our marriage, but if any thing it has made our marriage stronger and our faith in God has held firm as well. Still, I have spent a lot of time asking God, why? Not sure I can say I ever really got an awnser yet but He seems to have opened a door with adoption, especially since it's a Christian adoption agency that we will be working with.
I'm super excited about adopting and scared at the same time. For a while part of me was afraid that maybe I would have trouble thinking of this baby as my own. Last night as I was sitting thinking about this God kind of tapped me on the shoulder. I felt Him saying, "This child, whether it be yours biologically, or adopted is a gift from me either way, so why should it matter?" That was huge for me and I'm not worried about it any more because I know either way God will have chosen me to raise this child.
Well that's all from me for now. Just wanted to share a bit from my point of view and to show my wife that I really would post on here too! lol Love you hun! And thanks for setting this up by the way :)
You guys will be awesome parents. I am truly excited for this journey for you. I know God will teach you a lot! I am also glad that you investigated Bethany. What a wonderful place! I worked there briefly, and Nick & I sponsor a little girl in Guatemala through them. Someday we wish to adopt through them as well. Thank you for being open with your feelings - you will help others along and they will help you. God uses the ordinary and simple things of life to teach us! I am so happy that you have the heart to adopt - I wish everyone shared this passion. It makes me sad when people don't! We are all adopted into God's family to start with - we might as well continue the love, right?!