Baby Peterson #3
So if you haven't figured it out yet, we are expecting again! And just like with Jeremiah and Eden, I announced it early. There is a reason for my doing this, especially after loosing Eden. First off, let me share with you the story!
We had been trying since January to get pregnant again. It took awhile after the miscarriage to get my cycles back. They were right on target January through April and then they just disappeared. I took test after test and all of them came up negative. I was a bit heartbroken to say the least and was preparing myself for another long ttc journey like we had with Jeremiah. My cycles finally came back in July and a few weeks later I felt some pretty bad ovulation pains. We did the deed and waited. And waited some more. On August 1st, I had to take a test to make sure I wasn't pregnant, if I was I wouldn't have been able to get my tattoo. The test was negative so I was let down once again but happy at the same time. A few days later I knew my period should have been here so I took a test on a second morning urine. I always watch the ink go through the test and the test line started showing up right away! I started to cry and shake and I couldn't stop looking at the test! Matt was at work so I had to wait to tell him which gave me plenty of time to come up with ways to tell him. I wrote little notes all over the house, and one on the van. He caught on when he opened the oven and saw a bun sitting there. He was so happy and so excited too!
Anyway, when we lost Eden, I had a person tell me they didn't agree with me about telling so early on and then tell the details of my miscarriage. I was shocked and hurt and shocked! Who are you to tell me what to share and not to share? I didn't stay silent. I shared my pain, my grief, the good and the bad days. You see, the thing is that infertility and miscarriage affect so many people, yet nobody's talking about it. I see all these awareness things on facebook but not one of them is ever to raise awareness of infertility or miscarriage.
When I found out that we were pregnant, I really did think about waiting until I had an ultrasound photo to post. But then I thought about all the love and support we got when we lost Eden. If we were to walk down that road again, I would need just as much support from friends and family all over the world. So I said who cares what people thing and posted we were pregnant. There are times when I am fearful of loosing this pregnancy, but I know in my heart everything will be fine. However, when I find myself in those moments, I know I have friends to lean on that know how I am feeling. They've been there too.
I hope someday that infertility and miscarriage won't be such a hush hush thing, Miscarriage alone affects 1 in 4 women. If by sharing my story I help this cause just a little bit, then I have done my job.
We had been trying since January to get pregnant again. It took awhile after the miscarriage to get my cycles back. They were right on target January through April and then they just disappeared. I took test after test and all of them came up negative. I was a bit heartbroken to say the least and was preparing myself for another long ttc journey like we had with Jeremiah. My cycles finally came back in July and a few weeks later I felt some pretty bad ovulation pains. We did the deed and waited. And waited some more. On August 1st, I had to take a test to make sure I wasn't pregnant, if I was I wouldn't have been able to get my tattoo. The test was negative so I was let down once again but happy at the same time. A few days later I knew my period should have been here so I took a test on a second morning urine. I always watch the ink go through the test and the test line started showing up right away! I started to cry and shake and I couldn't stop looking at the test! Matt was at work so I had to wait to tell him which gave me plenty of time to come up with ways to tell him. I wrote little notes all over the house, and one on the van. He caught on when he opened the oven and saw a bun sitting there. He was so happy and so excited too!
Anyway, when we lost Eden, I had a person tell me they didn't agree with me about telling so early on and then tell the details of my miscarriage. I was shocked and hurt and shocked! Who are you to tell me what to share and not to share? I didn't stay silent. I shared my pain, my grief, the good and the bad days. You see, the thing is that infertility and miscarriage affect so many people, yet nobody's talking about it. I see all these awareness things on facebook but not one of them is ever to raise awareness of infertility or miscarriage.
When I found out that we were pregnant, I really did think about waiting until I had an ultrasound photo to post. But then I thought about all the love and support we got when we lost Eden. If we were to walk down that road again, I would need just as much support from friends and family all over the world. So I said who cares what people thing and posted we were pregnant. There are times when I am fearful of loosing this pregnancy, but I know in my heart everything will be fine. However, when I find myself in those moments, I know I have friends to lean on that know how I am feeling. They've been there too.
I hope someday that infertility and miscarriage won't be such a hush hush thing, Miscarriage alone affects 1 in 4 women. If by sharing my story I help this cause just a little bit, then I have done my job.
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