Time moves too fast

 This post has been floating around in my head for a few days but I can never find the time to sit and write.

Here we are.


It feels just like yesterday that I was a nervous wreck sending Jeremiah off to 4k for a couple hours each day. How vividly all my thoughts and fears are when he started 4k and into kindergarten. Wondering if he'd make friends, how he'd be treated by teachers and other students. If he'd eat school lunch.

4k went in a flash...man did he test his teachers. Ms.Renae looked at Matt and I at one conference and said "I've had a lot of children through these doors over the years and there's only been one children more stubborn than him." We kind of all chuckled but I had a lump in my throat. He tested them greatly, but he made it through.

Kindergarten also brought new challenges. Little Jeremiah was afraid of the bathroom in Mr.Kok's room and was afraid of the big kid bathrooms so he had quite a few potty accidents. Mr.Kok was so gracious though and came up with a plan that if Jeremiah needed to go potty, he'd go in first and cover the sensor. Then when Jeremiah was done, he'd uncover the sensor so it would flush. That system didn't need to happen for long before all was ok. Then Mr.Kok laughed how Jeremiah could find the littlest piece of anything in the circle time carpet! 

First grade with Mrs.Hardesty got ruined from covid! Man that was one for the books. The time he did have with her in person was great! He was a busy boy, though we didn't have any challenges besides his stubborn-ness. Homeschooling was a doozy and we both hated every minute of it.

Second grade with Mrs.Stuart was a new experience. Only half the school attended in person. Everybody had to wear masks. They had to sit far apart in the class and in lunch. Specials were in their classrooms. It was strange, we had a few quartentine times but we made it through.

Third grade with Mrs.Sether was probably one of our easiest. Things were somewhat back to normal with everybody back in school and masks were optional. He quickly grew to love Mrs.Sether and so did we as a family. She cared for us while we weren't sure what was going on with Grandpa Bob. She was caring and understanding when we took the kids out a few days early to say goodbye to Grandpa before he passed away. I didn't want this year to end!

Fourth Grade with Mrs.Mac was our worst year for many reasons. It was the first year I was irritated with a teacher and felt like Jeremiah was being singled out. It was the only year he would come home in tears most days. He begged to switch teachers, I was told no. He begged to switch school, not a good idea "4th grade is like this district wide." He begged to homeschool...I said no. The end of the school year took forever. His teacher went on leave with 6 weeks to go and never explained it to the kids. Jeremiah felt like it was his fault. We both were relieved when the year ended. It was this year that he learned he loved helping out in the kindergarten class!

Fifth grade with Ms.Elert has been so much easier! He wasn't picked on by the teacher. I didn't have daily notes home. He only cried once or twice in the whole school year! He made new friends.

And now we have 6 days left of elementary school. I feel like I did back when he first started school. How great my fears and worries are with middle school just around the bend. 

Will he find his friends? Will he make amazing new ones? Will he find his classes, learn his locker combo and remember it, will he like his teachers? Will his teachers follow his 504 plan? Who do I go to when I have concerns? Can't he just do middle school in the safe bubble of Lincoln, where I know everybody and know who to call and when? 

I just can't believe my little baby is going off to middle school. Time...you move too fast!


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