How did this come about...

The main question people will want to know is how did you decide to adopt a child. Well, we've known we wanted children since the day we met. A year after we got married, we started to try for a baby. After many tears, frustration, and months of negative pregnancy tests, we mentioned adoption but never gave it much thought. Another 6 months or so went by and still no baby. Matt and I talked, and decided that if we can't have children ourselves, then why not give an unwanted baby a good loving home. We will not be going to the doctor to have tests. Its not worth getting poked, prodded, and invaded just to end up having our hearts broken. If you really think about it, people spend more money on fertility treatments than an adoption costs, and end up empty handed. We'd rather spend the money and end up with a baby, without going through test after test.


  1. I wanted to be the first to leave you a message on here! I wanted to say that I am very excited for the two of you. Taking the steps to become a parent is one of the most exciting things I have ever done. I now how incredibly frustrating and disappointing it can be to want children desparately and getting negative results year after year (Seth and I tried for 3 years before Orion decided to grace us with his presence) so I'm glad you've decided which steps you need to take next! I really hope the process goes quickly and smoothly for you both so you can make an addition to your family. If there is anything that Seth and I can do to help or make things easier just let me know.


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