10 months!

It's hard to believe but we no long have a baby in the single digit months! The past month was kind of a rough one. We fought another bad cold followed by 2 weeks of unexplained diarrhea. I mean the kid was blowing out diapers almost every 2 hours and we pretty much went through his whole closet of clothes from messes. We did go to the doctor but of course they had no idea what was going on, even after testing his poo. Thank God we are finally over it! I won't even mention the temper tantrums that he's started when he's not getting his way...but lord have mercy!

Developmentally, still no crawling but he is so very close! He knows how to get to where he wants by rolling and scooting so I really think he thinks he doesn't need to crawl! He does use us to pull up to a stand and can use furniture to pull up on his knees. He's had a couple bloody tongues from slipping in the tub...poor baby :(
Jeremiah has 5 teeth, 4 on the bottom and 1 on top. I did see that the 2nd top tooth is really close to coming out. I'm betting it'll be down in a week or two.
He also has been cutting down on the baby food and is getting more of adult table foods. He loves to feed himself! If he knows its a food he can grab onto, he will throw a fit if you try to spoon feed it to him. We recently found out that he loves peas in whole form. He HATED them smashed but loves them whole! There isn't much he doesn't like anymore, except for bananas.
Sleep wise, he does really really well! He usually takes 2 naps a day, each nap lasting from an hour to two hours. For night time, he may wake once during the night a couple times a week otherwise he sleeps straight through, which makes for a very happy mommy and daddy! Although to be honest, I kind of miss curling up on the couch with a tiny, warm baby and feeding a bottle. It was so peaceful!

A very cute thing Jeremiah has started doing lately is hugging the cats and dog. We will put a cat in his lap and help him pet him or her. He will then lay his sweet, curly head on their back and give them hugs. He hasn't given them kisses yet...just wait for that one haha!!

We also think Jeremiah will be the class clown someday! He will do anything to get us to smile or laugh at him. He gets Ardayne laughing so hard sometimes, it's so cute! Just today, Ardayne was wearing a hoodie and Jeremiah kept pulling Ardayne down by the hood. Well I didn't catch on, but when I went to change Ardayne's diaper, he had a small toy link in the back of his diaper. It didn't click what Jeremiah was up to but the stinker put a toy down Ardayne's onesie!

That's just about it in the land of Jeremiah!

                                                          The day he turned 10 months old!

                                                        A video showing how Jeremiah gets Ardayne going

                                          sick with a cold and still smiling

                                               sleepy cuddles with daddy

                                                  A baby's best friend

                                                   anybody want a hug?

Play hard, rest hard!


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