The Meeting- Christel's point of view

So last Thursday we had our informative adoption meeting. It was kinda boring, kinda long, and somewhat pointless but we did learn alot. They sat us all down in this tiny conference room which got really hot, really fast. Then they proceeded to give us a presentation via powerpoint...think back in highschool when you gave reports with powerpoint. Thats what it was like...pretty much they just read us a bunch of info and added a few personal blips here and there. I said it was somewhat pointless, because they could have just mailed us all that stuff, made us read it and then take some sort of test or something to prove we read it. I was dissappointed that they didn't leave time to ask questions. We could have asked them questions afterwards, but there was one person representing international and one person representing domestic...we would have been there all night if we waited to get to talk to the domestic person.

After the meeting, I was feeling completly overwhelmed...information overload. I also didn't know it at the time, but God was already working on my heart over a few things, but that will be a different post. Matt and I also decided that sometime in the future, international adoption may be something we wouldn't mind doing.


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